How we started....by Nicola Ostler, founder of BuggyBootcampUK
I started BuggyBootcamp after the birth of my first baby, having worked closely with instructors specialising in postnatal workouts with the buggy. As a new mum who had been used to exercising regularly, I knew how invaluable it is for mums to be able to start or continue a fitness routine, without the need for an expensive crèche or babysitters. Because of the successful development of the programme in the US, I brought it back to the UK when I relocated at the beginning of 2009.
The classes focus on the fun of getting out and about with your baby (or toddlers!) and with likeminded people. I see us as a network of mums who share the same devotion to our children and a desire to get out and get moving. Because of this, BuggyBootcamp is not only an exercise class, but a group of people who want to hang out a couple of times a week and even attend the monthly Mum’s Night Out. It is an opportunity to make connections, and make friends for yourselves and your babies. Because of the carefully chosen locations, after the class there are opportunities for play for both mums and children.
The reputation for carefully planned and safely taught classes has spread, and in the first nine months, BuggyBootcamp became available to mums in twelve locations up and down the UK. As the interest continues, we are looking to open more and more locations nationwide and even internationally. All instructors are fully insured and qualified, so you know that you are in safe hands. Come and join the class where newly postpartum mummies are working out alongside experienced athletes and see the skill in which your instructor adapts each exercise for your level. You will be feeling more confident, more fit and less wobbly than you ever thought possible!